martes, 5 de junio de 2012



Its Time...

Time has come for us all to cease
Living like a drop of water
Trickling on a sleek lotus leaf
Rise up friends! Like a Phoenix
Deserting leaders who are at
Converting greens into deserts
Find out the best of the statesman
In the light of your vote-cresset,
One who’s not as fickle as the
Ink-dot on your index finger
That fades away in a day or two
But who stays shining like Sindhoor
On the forehead of our Mother

Telugu Original: Perugu.Ramakrishna,India
Translation: Sathya,Nellore,India

A Burning Sight..

The chaos of protests,
The rage of fiery sparks,
a garden of blooming flowers
Till yesterday
now, a burning sight
Tomorrow, seems there may remain
only the skeletons of identities
The class discrimination
The gender discrimination
The caste discrimination
These draw only lines of separation..
Why restrict the lute which can play the raga of unity
to play only about bias and disparity
Let us fling away narrow-mindedness
into the deep seas
Let us cherish the largeness of hearts
like the vast blue skies--
Universal brotherhood
Family of Humanity
be protected in sacred safety...!

Telugu Original: Perugu.Ramakrishna
Translation : Ambika Ananth, Bangalore

The Fisher Man...

The sea
the backdrop of a life
hoping to find the song of life
In the music of the motor boats
the fisherman who casts the net of his hopes
gathers the water crop
erasing and wiping
the nightmare of tsunami
he fixes up shoulders of faith
to his hands cut off torso
longing for light
in the dark journey
competes with the waves
The sea is dream garden
to the summer that gazes at the shore
A blooming lovely fort
Alas..! How does it know
that the song of fisherman has lost its rhythm
the eight rasas have banished the life
and had only given the rasa of pain
To find the fisherman too seems to be a man
but he is the robot that knows the secret of the waters
He is the sea labor
who knows only to cast the net
How does the robot
that bearing a starry eyed torch
on the uneven tidal path
giving away sleep to the skies
And landing up in the seas as a saline brook,
know the tune of the earth
except for the heaviness of life
How does it know the tales of the land mines
except for the secrets of King prawns..?
These are the mynahs that have forgotten their songs
having lost everything to polluted waters
They are the wails of oppressed
who have been looted in the water-scam...!

Telugu originals:Perugu.Ramakrishna.India

Nocturnal Journey...

The evenings when become
Large sheets of a Stygian ocean
She from her workplace
And I from my office, run out
To reach its shores like birds
Fluttering the wings of freedom
And fly over those twilight waters
Through dirty roads and crammed pavements
For a while and sit for a chat
She tells about her lecherous boss
I joke about my sexy colleague
Thus open our life files
Out of our offices,
In our heart cabins
Over our mind tables
From lighter vein we turn soon
To serious questions,
Our needs, our trifle merriments
Our house loan payments,
Her GPF subscription
And the balance due
To the grocery shop owner
At our street corner
Thus run the pages
Of our middle-class repertoire
At last we reach home
And after our usual evening chores
We lie down for some time
Switching the channels in our TV and then
Listening to the sibilant tunes on lute
By Hariprasad Chowrasia

It’s always she, who embraces
The Goddess of sleep first
While her warm breath
Is bracing by naked bosom
Half sleep, half wake
I doze for a while
Till I hear the knocking sounds
On my inner doors
By the angel of poesy
With a jerk I get up from bed
To take up my pen and the scribbling pad
And start my nocturnal
Poetic journey...!

Telugu Original:Perugu.Ramakrishna,India
Translation: M.V.S.Sathyanarayana,India


At the sprouting new leaf
flashes an inviting smile with love
a falling ripened leaf

To lighten the heart
a drop of tear separates
from fertile eye-mother
and flows on cheek desert.

To slake the thirst of earth
condescend from high-skies
the pearls of rain.

But man, oh man!
For his own pleasures
erases every other man’s
sweetest smiles.


PERUGU RAMAKRISHNA,Poet,&Haiku Poet,and Translator

Perugu.Ramakrishna was born in 1960 in Nellore in a well educated and employees family. Mother Smt.Kamalamma and father Late P.Venkateswarlu, who was a padya kavi. Brother Phani kumar who died at 27 years also a modern poet in Telugu and English. School Education from ZPHS,Jaympu a small village of SPSR Nellore Dist.,and B.A.(Eng.Litt) from Andhra University, Vizag,M.A(Public Admn) from Osmania ,and is a noted poet,haiku poet, Translator and famous for the English Poetic work on Migrated birds at Pulicot and Nelapattu of Nellore District..
Presently working as Tax Officer,Nellore in Govt., of Andhra pradesh.

Has number of poems,Haikus published in Leading Telugu journals and translated to English and published in about thirty web journals and sites.Has got Vennela jalapaatham(Poetry) Swetha Santhakaalu (Poetry of 6poets edited by me),Nuvvellipoyaaka(Long poem),Flemingo (Long Poem on Migrated Birds)-Translated into English,Hindi,Malayalam,Kannada. Paraavarthanam(Audio Poetry Book)..Edited two short story anthologies of writers of Nellore Dist (2003 &2004).Munjalu (Bilingual mini poetry collection), National Secretary (C0 Ordination) of Indian Society of Authors,Newdelhi from 2010. Fellow International Benovelent Research Forum,Nagapur,Associate Member Indian, Member-District official Language Committee,Nellore,Fellow-United writers association,Chennai, General Secretary_Nellore Dist writers Assn., from 1998 to 2008.,

Recipient of Ranjani-Kundurthi National Poetry Award(2003)from Dr.C.Narayana Reddy,Jnana Peeth awardee, SPSR Nellore Dist Best Literate Commendation from Dist Collector(2005),Out Standing Intellectual of 21st Century Award from UGC Chaiman Prof.Sukhdev Thorat,at Chennai(2007), first prize in poetry contest Rs.4000/ in 2007, Andhra Pradesh Government Visista Kavi Puraskar Rs.5116/-+citation from Chief Minister Dr.YSR (2008),Mahatma Jyothi rao pule visista Puraskar from Sri.Anam.Ramanarayan reddy Minister of Culture,Govt of A.P,(2008),Nedurumalli Janardhan reddy trust Sahithya Puraskaar with Rs.10000/-+citation from Minister of Women and Child welfare Smt.N.Rajyalakshmi (2009)..

Posie of poecy (2009) and Albotross of Romania published haikus (2009) 29th SAARC Writers Festival anthology(2009) Participated in several national and International seminars and Poetry festivals..And poetry published
in world anthologies like Russeling Breeze(2007) World Anthology of Poets International (2008), and several others.. Kendra Sahithya Akademi ,Delhi invited for Poets meet in Trivandrum (2004) and invited to Multilingual Poetry recitation (2007).Invited for World Poetry festival ,Kolkatta held in March2010.
Participated in International Poetry Festival organised by Central institute of Indian Languages and web journal in Feb2010 at Mysore and presented poetry.SAARC festival of Literature attended as invitee in Newdelhi
from 23-25 March 2010 and presented poetry on Environment..Participated in 6th International Writers Fest at Chennai.

Participated in 22nd World Congress of Poets ,Larissa,Greece 2011 and awarded with Excellency poetry award. Recently featured as World poet in Canada and UK..
Poems featured in United Nations Poetry for peace Contest 2011. Currently participated in Sahithya akademi ,New Delhi Eastern and Southern WritersMeet at Tirupathi S V university as Invited Poet.

Poetry brodcasted in All India Radio,Doordarshan,and other Private channels like MAA TV etc. Comperer to several functions organised by Dist.,Administration,Nellore and Media committe member for Nandi Naatakostavam-2008 held at Nellore. District Official Language committee Member from 2003.

Interview as Poet transmitted in RTV,Doordarshan 2010.Channels, Founder and Admin for Indian Poetry Society (400Members) and International Poets Society(250Members)

in Face book published with many number of English Poems...

Promoting world peace and brotherly hood through Poetry..
Recently received Creative Giant-2012 award from Home of Letters India..

Lives with wife Perugu.Sujanaramam, M.A (Telugu Litt) Poetess and Government Telugu Teacher and two dauhghters Smt.SahithyaKalyan Chakravarthy,B.Tech.,and Sreenidhi ,B.Tech.,MBA..

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